Wednesday 2 November 2011

Muesli Bar recipes

I was recently on the lookout for some home made muesli bar recipes online because my daughter loves them to bits (think crumbs everywhere) and they are such a great food for on the go. Unfortunately the store bought ones are expensive or not quite good enough for my parents eyes. I thought the I will share some of my finds with you. I will keep you posted on the ones I liked the most as soon as I tried them. If you have any tips of your own please send them to me.

Picture by

Fruit and Nut muesli bars from

Home made muesli bars from

Home made muesli bars from Kidsspot

Oatmeal Bars from Annabel Karmel

And here a really simple recipe. Just add some dried fruits and you are done.
250g porridge oats
1 tbsp sesame seeds (optional)
4 tbsp light olive or sunflower oil
100ml orange or apple juice
1 egg, lightly beaten

Mix everything together. Pour into a greased oven dish and bake for about 20 minutes at Gas Mark 4/180C until set. Turn out after a few minutes and cool on a wire rack. Cut into bars.

Happy cooking and chewing.